Thursday, 20 May 2021

Ballet Books - A series for middle grade children.

Having read so many times that we should write about what we know, I am thinking about writing a series for middle grade kids based around a dance school. It would need to entail a couple of students perhaps from the day they sign up for dance, then follow them through their years of learning dance, with lots of exciting events and side adventures.
After all, I own a dance studio and have taught dance for many, many years. There's nothing I know better than Ballet, Jazz and Tap dancing, so why not write about it?
Look out for these books in the near future, and stay tuned for more info.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Short Story Competition

I hit a snag with a short story I wrote recently. The story was so sad I  had trouble editing it. Every time I tried to proof read it, I ended up crying so much I couldn't see the words clearly. It didn't matter how many times I read through it, I kept breaking down. 

So its very good or very bad. Either way, if there are mistakes, I can't see them through the tears. Can't release it yet as it has been entered into  competitions.

The photo on the right is of a piece of artwork called Discarded Memories.

I called my short story Hope but maybe I should have called it Crushed Memories.

Dan O'Sullivan's Daoine Maithe Fantasy Adventure Series of 4 Books - Click here to get the 4 books in one download for only US$3

Chakaia Booker, American, born 1953, Discarded Memories, 2008, tires, wood, metal, and paint

Sunday, 2 May 2021

International Reviews and Ratings now showing on Yay! Thank you Amazon!

Back in January I had a whinge that reviews posted in other countries did not appear on I am delighted to say that my reviews and ratings from International readers now appear beside my books on When the first reviews are 5 stars it is important to get that out to people. 

They are great fantasy adventure books.

They have fantastic reviews and ratings.

They are available on Amazon at bargain prices.

Click here to have a look at my books here on Amazon.

If you read and enjoy them, I would be very grateful if you would leave a review. Thank you.