Thursday, 20 May 2021

Ballet Books - A series for middle grade children.

Having read so many times that we should write about what we know, I am thinking about writing a series for middle grade kids based around a dance school. It would need to entail a couple of students perhaps from the day they sign up for dance, then follow them through their years of learning dance, with lots of exciting events and side adventures.
After all, I own a dance studio and have taught dance for many, many years. There's nothing I know better than Ballet, Jazz and Tap dancing, so why not write about it?
Look out for these books in the near future, and stay tuned for more info.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Short Story Competition

I hit a snag with a short story I wrote recently. The story was so sad I  had trouble editing it. Every time I tried to proof read it, I ended up crying so much I couldn't see the words clearly. It didn't matter how many times I read through it, I kept breaking down. 

So its very good or very bad. Either way, if there are mistakes, I can't see them through the tears. Can't release it yet as it has been entered into  competitions.

The photo on the right is of a piece of artwork called Discarded Memories.

I called my short story Hope but maybe I should have called it Crushed Memories.

Dan O'Sullivan's Daoine Maithe Fantasy Adventure Series of 4 Books - Click here to get the 4 books in one download for only US$3

Chakaia Booker, American, born 1953, Discarded Memories, 2008, tires, wood, metal, and paint

Sunday, 2 May 2021

International Reviews and Ratings now showing on Yay! Thank you Amazon!

Back in January I had a whinge that reviews posted in other countries did not appear on I am delighted to say that my reviews and ratings from International readers now appear beside my books on When the first reviews are 5 stars it is important to get that out to people. 

They are great fantasy adventure books.

They have fantastic reviews and ratings.

They are available on Amazon at bargain prices.

Click here to have a look at my books here on Amazon.

If you read and enjoy them, I would be very grateful if you would leave a review. Thank you.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

AMAZON - Best Fantasy Series - 4 Books for only $3.00! Great series!

There are 32.8 million books available on Amazon. There are a lot of fantasy series with high ratings.

Check out this fast-paced, action-packed adventure series with characters you are sure to fall in love with in an adventure you'll wish you were taking.

Daoine Maithe Series by Dan O'Sullivan - DOWNLOAD the COMPLETE SERIES for US$3.00


Adventure, love - both shallow and deep, epic battles, betrayal, mystery, horror, dedication, loyalty, passionate service to others, committment, sacrifice, danger, determination.

Click here to check it out on AMAZON..

Book 1    The Fallen    4.5 stars

Book 2    The Guardians    4.8 stars

Book 3    Child of a Guardian and of the Free    4.4 stars

Book 4    The Free (just released)

AMAZON - 4 Books for $3.00. Great read!

Don't miss out! Available on Amazon. 

Monday, 25 January 2021

Free Series! Free Fantasy Adventure Series! Free Books on Amazon! 27 & 28 January!

27 & 28 January


4 Books in Fantasy Adventure Series


FREE for 2 days!!!!

Click here to download from AMAZON

FREE on 27 & 28 January

FREE SERIES on 27 & 28 January

Rated on Amazon:

4.5 stars -  Book 1 - The Fallen

4.8 stars - Book 2 - The Guardians

4.4 stars - Book 3 - Child of a Guardian and of the Free

5.0 stars - Book 4 - The Free 

star ratings on Amazon Australia)

Click here to download from AMAZON

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Can a little dog break into the big dog book publishing arena?

Can a little dog break into the big dog book publishing arena?

Yesterday when my husband got home, our little dog jumped out of the car and saw two massive waist-high dogs at the top of the driveway. Peppah - my 30cm high maltese, poodle, shih tsu, saw them and raced up the driveway bark-shouting and drove them back to their own yard where they stood cowering and looking scared. 

After we nearly wet ourselves laughing I thought, yes I can do this. It just takes a lot of tenacity and guts to keep going until I get the result I want.

If you want to read all 4 fantasy adventure books, one download for only $3.00 US here is the link. Just paste it into your browser and you can download entire series in one.

Please have a read and if you like it, leave me a review. Very grateful if you can do this. Thank you.

Or go to Amazon and search for Dan O'Sullivan Fantasy Adventure Series.

Thursday, 21 January 2021

5 star reviews Fantasy Series on - why don't they show on the Its a great series!

Why oh why Amazon do you torment me?

5 star reviews on but they don't show up on! 

All that work! All that advertising! All that money! 

Is it worth it if Amazon won't show all reviews from all countries on all sites?

Will I publish my next series on Amazon?

Probably not.

But the current series remains there, and if you are buying e-books it has great reviews.

LOOK! The entire 4 books as one purchase for only $3.00 US.

Book 1 - The Fallen - 4.5 stars

Book 2 - The Guardians - 4.8 stars

Book 3 - Child of a Guardian and of the Free - 4.4 stars

Book 4 - The Free - 5 stars in Australia - yet to be rated in the US.

Here is the link:

or go to Amazon and search for Dan O'Sullivan Daoine Maithe Series.

If you like the series, please leave a review. 

Saturday, 16 January 2021

5 stars for e-book in Australia for fantasy series book 4. The Free Book 4 of the Daoine Maithe Series by Dan O'Sullivan

There is another rating and review on Book 4 of the Daoine Maithe series. It is also 5 stars.

But because it is from someone in Australia, it doesn't show up on the Amazon US reviews or ratings. 

I know if we put up a review from a US reader it shows up on the Australian site, but the ratings from Australia do on t show up on our

This is extremely frustrating and a little unfair as the market is in the US. The Australian market is tiny compared to the US market. But surely reviews from readers anywhere in the world are important. Or are we discriminating that Australian readers are not as important? Not able to give their opinion.

Someone at Amazon has to change this. Its driving a lot of authors crazy.

Please if you are a US reader and you like fantasy adventure, please have a look at this 4 book series and if you like it please leave a rating or a review.

You can even buy the entire 4 books as one - for only $3.00 US.

Look at these ratings in Australia. But the one for THE FREE does not show up in US so it looks like it has no ratings.

There. I've had my little rant, and I know a lot of people who publish books feel the same way.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

New release fantasy book from new series featured on Bargain Booksy.

Book 4 from Daoine Maithe fantasy adventure series was featured on Bargain Booksy! 

Here is a link to the entire series for only $3.00 US. Cut and paste it into your browser to check it out.

Bargain Booksy is a fantastic site where you can find out all the latest and best eBook bargains.

Have a look at    

Great place to look for books!

As I continue to sift through information from literary agents and publishers, I am gradually refining the three synopses for my new series "The Ruby Key".

Here is the latest:

Book 1

The mysterious ruby-encrusted diary and key discovered by daring, stubborn, 15-year-old Elora launches her into a wild and dangerous adventure. Her world is turned upside down when she finds the beautiful but powerful diary which carries her into the world of Roub-Talum where a sinister foreigner has taken control of the throne that she discovers should be her own. With the help of her friend Bowman, and an army of warriors known as Black Shadows, she sets out on a quest to expel the foreigner from her land and retake her castle but is dangerously threatened by the foreigner’s army of Tocbioras, shape changing beings able to transform their human bodies into the shape of birds, or when threatened form into spine-chilling beings of dark mist, able to manipulate and destroy the minds of their victims. As danger closes in, Elora finds that her diary is more than a door into another world, but a remarkable tool in the hands of those of the royal blood. Chaos ensues as she attempts to remove the evil foreigner who has usurped her throne, and drive his malevolent minions from the land, while cunningly evading capture and execution, as she recklessly rushes into danger to save those she loves.

Book 2

Elora’s journey around her land of Roub-Talum is interrupted when flocks of Tocbioras, shape changing beings whose mist form is crippling and sometimes deadly, attack a banquet held in her honor. Sent by the foreigner, whose ultimate goal is to retake the castle at Roub-Talum and expel the people from the land, the Tocbiora’s steal Elora’s powerful diary and capture Liam, leader of the Black-Shadows and Prince of Roub-Talum. Elora’s narrow escape turns disastrous when her ship is wrecked on the edge of unexplored land, where the foreigner has built himself a fortress and begun his invasion. With the help of a cunning bandit named Adam, and a sweet young Tocbiora called Jewel, who refuses to bow to the foreigner’s wishes, Elora sets out to rescue Liam and retrieve her precious diary, a task which may prove impossible as the foreigner begins to discover the secrets of the diary and pursues her persistently.

Book 3

After Elora’s narrow escape from the foreigner, whose intention is to seize her homeland of Roub-Talum and destroy her people, Elora is stranded in the strange land of Bioraliss, where she is held captive by the Tocbioras, shape changing beings that can form themselves into crippling dark mist or disguise themselves as dark birds. Whilst Prince Liam sets out on a quest to cross the perilous Canyon of Beyond with the intention of finding the true leaders of Bioraliss and returning them to their home, Elora escapes and returns to Roub-Talum. When her Knight Marshall cunningly leaves Elora’s service and joins the servants of the foreigner, Elora sets out with her army of Black Shadow warriors to find her Knight Marshall and defeat the foreigner, a mission which may prove unachievable as the foreigner fights back, bringing more and more of his Tocbioras to Roub-Talum to support his invasion.

And here is the map that was done by professional map artist Ren.

New Fantasy Series.

US Readers Wanted!

If you love fantasy adventure and buy books on Amazon, check out Dan O'Sullivan's fantasy series. It's only $3.00 US on Amazon as a Kindle eBook. That's 4 books for $3.00 US.

If you love the books, please leave a 5 star rating.

Here is a link to the complete series (all 4 books) for only $3.00 US.

Friday, 8 January 2021

Publishing my new series - The Ruby Key for middle grade children.

Literary Agent or Publisher?

A lot of publishers will not accept unsolicited submissions. A lot of literary agents will not accept unsolicited submissions. Its a very difficult and daunting path when you set out to try to catch the eye of a publisher or literary agent. But there are some very good publishers and literary agents out there, and they really do know what they are doing.

There are so many vanity publishers who will take on my work. For a fee. That I don't have. I've been approached by a lot of vanity publishers, mostly stating they would like to publish my previous series because of the high ratings on Amazon. Sometimes it has been tempting, but I am determined to leave no stone unturned in the search for my own traditional literary agent and publisher.

I am sincerely hoping a literary agent or publisher will become aware of the sheer volume of work I am willing to put in for promotion, advertising and social media. That I don't expect to give them the manuscript then stand back lazily. That would never work.

So here goes. I am about the pitch The Ruby Key series (middle grade fantasy) to all the publishers in the world, starting right here in Australia. 

Thursday, 7 January 2021

The Ruby Key - Fantasy Series for Middle Grade

Glad I don't need too much sleep. I need every moment I can get to put the finishing touches on my new series for middle grade children.

It is called The Ruby Key, and currently there are three completed books in the series.

Book 1 - The Shadow Village

Book 2 - The Foreigner's Revenge

Book 3 - Lost in Bioraliss

Elora is a daring, stubborn, teenaged girl, brave in the face of danger, terrified of dark spaces, recklessly rushing into danger to save those she loves.

Book 1

Elora’s world is turned upside down when she finds a beautiful but powerful diary which carries her into the world of Roub-Talum where a sinister foreigner has taken control of the throne that she discovers should be her own. With the help of her friend Bowman, and an army of warriors known as Black Shadows, she sets out on a quest to expel the foreigner from her land and retake her castle but is dangerously threatened by the foreigner’s army of Tocbioras, shape changing beings able to transform their human bodies into the shape of birds, or when threatened form into spine-chilling beings of dark mist, able to manipulate and destroy the minds of their victims. As danger closes in, Elora finds that her diary is more than a door into another world, but a remarkable tool in the hands of those of the royal blood.

Book 2

Elora’s journey around her land of Roub-Talum is interrupted when flocks of Tocbioras, shape changing beings whose mist form is crippling and sometimes deadly, attack a banquet held in her honor. Sent by the foreigner, whose ultimate goal is to retake the castle at Roub-Talum and expel the people from the land, the Tocbiora’s steal Elora’s powerful diary and capture Liam, leader of the Black-Shadows and Prince of Roub-Talum. Elora’s narrow escape turns disastrous when her ship is wrecked on the edge of unexplored land, where the foreigner has built himself a fortress and begun his invasion. With the help of a cunning bandit named Adam, and a sweet young Tocbiora called Jewel, who refuses to bow to the foreigner’s wishes, Elora sets out to rescue Liam and retrieve her precious diary, a task which may prove impossible as the foreigner begins to discover the secrets of the diary and pursues her persistently.

Book 3

After Elora’s narrow escape from the foreigner, whose intention is to seize her homeland of Roub-Talum and destroy her people, Elora is stranded in the strange land of Bioraliss, where she is held captive by the Tocbioras, shape changing beings that can form themselves into crippling dark mist or disguise themselves as dark birds. Whilst Prince Liam sets out on a quest to cross the perilous Canyon of Beyond with the intention of finding the true leaders of Bioraliss and returning them to their home, Elora escapes and returns to Roub-Talum. When her Knight Marshall cunningly leaves Elora’s service and joins the servants of the foreigner, Elora sets out with her army of Black Shadow warriors to find her Knight Marshall and defeat the foreigner, a mission which may prove unachievable as the foreigner fights back, bringing more and more of his Tocbioras to Roub-Talum to support his invasion.




Now I am concentrating on finish off my new series, The Ruby Key, I am doing as many free promos on my previous Epic Fantasy Adventure series as possible.

Free 7 - 9 Jan      Here is the link:

If you like easy to read fantasy adventure, action packed, fast paced and filled with fun, humour, romance, plot twists and brilliant but flawed characters, this series is for you.





Get it while it's free!

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Free Series! Free Books! 7 - 9 January 2021

Free Series! Free Books!  

7 - 9 January 2021

Easy to read, fast paced, action filled, epic fantasy adventure, filled with humour, danger, passionate service to others, commitment, sacrifice, romance, danger.

Epic Fantasy Adventure Complete Series will be FREE from 7th Jan to 9th Jan.

Normally only $3.00 US; get it FREE during these dates.

Here is the link:

or go to Amazon and search for:  Dan O'Sullivan Series

All 4 book series
joined in one FREE purchase.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

The Ruby Key - New Fantasy Series for Middle Grade - Coming Soon!


Keep your eye out for my Ruby Key series, coming soon. It is fantasy adventure for middle grade, but interestingly I have had middle grade kids and late teenagers read it and it was loved by all.

Cheap bargain books - Whole Series for $3.00 US

I put all four books in the Daoine together into one big file with chapter bookmarks.

So if you want ALL 4 BOOKS for $3.00 US, (That's 75 cents per book) here is the link:

Influenced by Raymond Feist and John Flanagan

I recently had to answer to which authors would I compare my work - my new fantasy series for middle grade kids - relating to the tone of the book and the style/genre.

Have to say the style and genre reflects my love of the work of Raymond Feist (one of my favourite authors) and the tone is comparable to the work of John Flanagan (another favourite). 

John Flanagan is an Australian author and the way he writes has an Australian undertone. The characters' attitudes and behaviours are so familiar to me, and I see this coming out in my own writing. I guess that is inevitable, that my characters have comfortable familiarity because written into their journeys are excerpts out of my own life and the lives of those around me.

Interesting that (in my opinion) Raymond Feist also writes like an Australian, so I wonder if he has spent a fair bit of time over here.

If anyone ever came to me and said that my work reminded them of Feist or Flanagan, that would be a massive compliment.

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Middle Grade Fantasy - The Ruby Key Series. Book 1 - The Shadow Village, Coming Soon!

I have definitely found a passion for middle grade fiction, particularly fantasy.

This first month of January I am putting the finishing touches on my new series for middle grade kids. It is called The Ruby Key. Here is the blog for Book 1, the Shadow Village.

"Elora’s world is turned upside down when she finds a beautiful and powerful diary which carries her into the world of Roub-Talum where a sinister foreigner has taken control of the throne that she discovers should be her own. With the help of her friend Bowman, and an army of warriors known as Black Shadows, she sets out on a quest to expel the foreigner from her land and retake her castle, but is dangerously threatened by the foreigner’s army of Tocbioras, shape changing beings able to transform their human bodies into the shape of birds, or when threatened form into spine-chilling beings of dark mist, able to manipulate and destroy the minds of their victims. As danger closes in, Elora finds that her diary is more than a door into another world, but a remarkable tool in the hands of those of the royal blood."

I have used middle grade kids as test subjects and they love it! 

Friday, 1 January 2021

Amazon Reviews on New Book - I need bookworms and avid readers - Please help.

I really need help from all the most dedicated avid readers and bookworms out there. People who like great adventure stories.

It seems the hardest part of publishing a new book is getting people to leave reviews. Part of the problem is that you can't review a book unless you have spent $50 on Amazon in the last year. So if most of my readers are not in that category, bad luck to me!

If you like fast-paced, easy to read, action packed adventure, if you have already spent $50 on Amazon tin the last 12 months, I would love to have you review my book.

Today I joined all 4 books into one file (with convenient bookmarks) and uploaded it for sale as a complete 4 book series for $3.00 (US). 

Please, if you are in a position to do so, I really need some good reviews to get started. The previous 3 books had great reviews, and I would love to see if readers like the new book (The Free) just as much.

If you like the book, or the series, please leave a good review. I would really appreciate it and be grateful for this help. You can even just leave a 5 star rating without actually writing a review.

Here are links to review Book 4 - The Free or the Series"

The Free
